Take as an example the babylonian algorithm to calculate $\sqrt{x}$
Repeat $ t \leftarrow \frac{t+\frac{x}{t}}{2} $ until $t$ converges to $\sqrt{x}$.
For illustration we will use 10 iterations
function babylonian(x; N::Integer = 10)
t = (1+x)/2
for i = 2:N
t = (t + x/t)/2
babylonian (generic function with 1 method)
Check: sqrt(100) == 10
x=2; babylonian(x), √x # Type \sqrt+<tab> to get the symbol
(1.414213562373095, 1.4142135623730951)
Let's look at the convergence behaviour
x = range(0.01, 10, length=100)
y = [babylonian(x, N = N) for x = x, N = 1:5]
plot(x, y[:, 1], label="N=1")
for i=2:5
plot!(x, y[:, i], label="N=$(i)")
Define a dual type -- a mathematical object that's a function-derivative pair
struct D <: Number
The first element follows the normal rules of arithmetic. But the second element implements:
import Base: +, -, *, /, convert, promote_rule
+(x::D, y::D) = D(x.f .+ y.f)
-(x::D, y::D) = D(x.f .- y.f)
*(x::D, y::D) = D((x.f[1]*y.f[1], (x.f[2]*y.f[1] + x.f[1]*y.f[2])))
/(x::D, y::D) = D((x.f[1]/y.f[1], (y.f[1]*x.f[2] - x.f[1]*y.f[2])/y.f[1]^2))
convert(::Type{D}, x::Real) = D((x,zero(x)))
promote_rule(::Type{D}, ::Type{<:Number}) = D
promote_rule (generic function with 145 methods)
Let's compute the derivative of $\sqrt{x}$ at $x=25$
We start withe the dual of (25, 1)
x = 25
x̂ = D((x, 1))
D((25.0, 1.0))
We know (because we're smart!) that the derivative of $\sqrt{x}$ is $\frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}$ => therefore the result that we expect is:
(√x, .5/√x)
(5.0, 0.1)
Now let's pass the dual to the babylonian algorithm:
D((5.0, 0.1))
Because Julia's addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operators "know" what to do with the D
data type, we automatically "propagate" the derivative as we perform the regular arithmatic.