
Julia for HPC Users

Presentation Mode

A collection of Julia Examples for NERSC’s Cori and Perlmutter systems. Code examples here.

This page gives a gentle introduction to Julia from the perspective of HPC users.

The contents of this presentation is based on my 6-ish years of experience using Julia for scientific data processing (and for fun!). For deeper reading (including more HPC aspects), I recommend:

  1. carstenbauer/JuliaHLRS22
  2. ENCCS/Julia-for-HPC

Note: this is living document – some part of it is always under development. If you have questions, or encounter bugs, please file an issue here: https://github.com/JBlaschke/HPC-Julia/issues


This page gives a gentle introduction to Julia ith enough hands-on experience in Julia to start applying it to their own projects, or use Julia as a teaching tool in the classroom.

  1. Gentle introduction to the Julia language
  2. Working wiht array-based data
  3. Calling external codes (using the C-API, and PyCall)
  4. Working in Parrallel

A Gentle Introduction to Julia

  1. Getting Started: Slides Notebook
  2. The structure of a Julia Program (modules, control flow, and functions): Slides Notebook
  3. Methods, and Introspection: Slides Notebook
  4. Structured Data Types (Classes): Slides Notebook

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Past Presentations

  1. Julia for Python Users
  2. Julia for Data Science